Appendix 3 - City wide strategies and plans
                A summary of strategies and plans that include skills and employment         priorities which support the objectives in this plan

The City Employment and Skills Recovery Plan 2021-2023 will align with other local and regional strategies, as well as recovery plans in development and Brexit planning.

Strategy and Plans


Brighton & Hove City Council – Corporate Plan


A City Working for All

Planning for future skills needs - promoting lifelong learning

Increased green job creation and training for green jobs

Brighton & Hove Economic Strategy


Talented, Fair and Sustainable City

Digital skills, careers engagement, employment outcomes for graduates and apprenticeships, increased opportunities for those furthest from the labour market

Coast to Capital Skills Strategy & Action Plan 2020-2025


Recovery, Resilience and Growth

People priorities: Finding out about work; starting out in work; getting back into work; retaining and retraining the workforce.

Business priorities:

Growing, retaining and retraining the workforce, working together, making the most of digital

Greater Brighton Economic Board


Attracting and retaining talent in the City Region.

Develop an integrated approach to talent.

Coast to Capital Build Back, Stronger, Smarter, Greener Plan

Aligning skills provision with industry specialism to create new jobs. Re-skilling and employment growth in the green economy

Brighton & Hove SEND Strategy 2021 -2026


Better outcomes – Better Lives

Increase the number of young people with SEND in employment

Review of information, advice and guidance

Brighton & Hove Recovery Plan for culture

Engine Room – skills development and professional support for individuals and businesses starting out, adapting or growing in the sector.

Adult Learning Disability Strategy

Promote and develop work-based learning programmes, employment and volunteering opportunities in the city.

Destination Management Plan

Employment and Skills Priorities

To be redetermined following the impact of the pandemic on the Visitor Economy,